The Captain Kidd Pirate Ships Experience is perfect for anyone looking to participate in a true maritime experience, to learn lost skills and to discover qualities you might never knew you had. As well as adults, sailing experiences will also be open to children over the age of 12.
The exact programmes and opportunities that will be open to you are still in the planning stages, but we anticipate the following:
- Watching the ships being built along the banks of the Thames.
- Taking part in special workshops and open days to learn about traditional shipbuilding and other craft skills.
- Sailing in one of the completed ships – either on one of the half-day passages along the Thames in London, or on an ocean-going voyage of the Adventure Galley. In each case, as a participant in an interactive living history experience, performing a sailor’s role and learning traditional maritime skills.
- Special events while the boats are moored, including event hire, tours and so on.
Whether you live in London or are just visiting, if you’re interested in maritime history, sailing or traditional skills and crafts, a trip to see our ships or to spend time on board will become a must.
In the meantime, we invite you to register with us to be kept informed
You can also find out more in our Learning section