The Captain Kidd Pirate Ships Experience has so much to offer all kinds of different people and organisations. Just click on the links for more information.
Individuals & Groups – Londoners, visitors to London or just maritime, history or traditional crafts enthusiasts: there are countless opportunities to witness and participate in what we are doing.
Schools & Charities – schools interested in visits/participation, plus maritime, craft, London or history-focused charities – we want to hear from you.
Businesses – from initial sponsorship through to eventual participation in voyages (e.g. team-building events), we welcome approaches from organisations of any kind.
Plan your voyage now
There will be two types of on-board participation to choose from: the half-day passages along the Thames in one of our two smaller ships, or sailing the oceans in the Adventure Galley. For details of these, see Our Ships
For more information on the skills you could learn, see our Learning section